
Bite Squad to Namaste

Bite Squad was crafted out of the need for an “easy, fast and affordable way to order all the wonderful cuisine [from around the area] without shuffling through a mess of menus, making endless phone calls, or trying to navigate a great restaurant's not-so-great website.”

First off, we must state our prejudice, that of, we go out to eat with the intention of going OUT. So, Bite Squad had a large plate to fill in order for us to approve.

With their claim of:
“Bite Squad is the last place you'll ever have to go online to order yummy cuisine for delivery or take-out. We've partnered with local restaurants, hand-picked our food lovin' customer support squad, and wrangled up a fleet of environmentally friendly vehicles to get fresh food from the restaurant straight to your door, quickly and hassle free!”

So we put it to the test!

Sadly during the first step (typing in your address) we received this message:

This frustrated us, so we aggressively hit the red X to CLOSE the matter. But our fortitude is strong and we would not be deterred so easily. Thus we got back on the next day and to our dismay the exact SAME thing happened when we typed in the SAME address!


So we went in search of a Map to find the way to the closest restaurant. For if we can’t get delivery, then we’ll just have to deliver ourselves.
No Map!!! 
** Double Snarl**

But to their credit they are a DELIVERY SERVICE. So why do you need a map if they are coming to you … You don’t. It just happens that my case is outside their map.
So we then turned to their little radio button of “Pick Up” instead of “Delivery”


Change the address to just the city and click “Pick Up”

9 results! Now We’ve gotten somewhere!
We looked over the options and decided that Indian Food might just be the hardest option for Bite Squad’s system. We clicked on the restaurant and we were instantly looking at an excellent user friendly menu.

I was impressed by the collapsing and expanding menu sections, description of food, and OBVIOUS Price which all made for an easy read and check out. Once a menu choice has been made the pop up options further the ease of ordering with Bite Squad. Just look at it! It’s more options than the waiters give you and you don’t even have to try and memorize the spew of options that they rattle off their tongue.

We made our selection, added in a few special comments, (we of course had to test if it would be passed along to the cooks), and just as a final test we scheduled the pick up for a day and a half later! Let's see if they deliver (that is figuratively of course because they don’t actually deliver food to my house)!

Day and a Half Later …

Every thing is in order and as requested.
Besides the sad fact that I live outside of their delivery circle and the error which that causes on the website, Bite Squad is an exceptionally convenient menu and ordering system for those who can not or wish not to eat OUT.

Bite Squad's Site :)
Restaurant's Site :(