
Sonic- Be aware

We live right next to a Sonic. We've long since found their food to be unpalatable but we just can not resist their Slushes, especially if we're passing by during Happy Hour!

Awhile ago we noticed they started charging ten cents for what used to be a fee for EXTRA flavoring to all Slush orders. The menu still states that the fee is for extra flavoring and it bothered me but I figured it's not worth a fight.

This past weekend we were just three minutes late for Happy Hour but with the scorching hot weather we were willing to pay full price for a nice cold treat. Since we weren't getting 50% anyway we splurged and each got a Medium Cream Slushes. My husband got Strawberry and my toddler and I shared a Lemmonberry.

Here comes my rant:
The menu states that  a Medium Cream Slush is $3.19 (without tax of course). Simple math- 2 X 3.19= $6.38. Add 8% tax to that and you get $6.80. Well, our total was $7.40. I wondered what the heck was going on but paid and anticipated reading over my receipt. Sure enough they charged us "Hidden Fees". I would expect this from a bank or cell service maybe but I've never been charged hidden fees while eating out.

Apparently Sonic charged us $0.25 for the flavor of each drink. Not extra favoring, just flavoring. It's not mentioned on the menu and even if it was, I'd still think that's insane. You don't offer a product and charge a fee for it too. Imagine ordering a hot dog and being charged extra for a bun? What about a hamburger? Is their a hidden fee for the beef patty? Or imagine going to DQ, ordering a blizzard and having to pay extra for picking the flavor. It's just not normal, or nice.

I don't understand Sonic's insane pricing. I also don't condone scamming or dishonesty therefor, my poor family will just have to learn to live without our beloved Slushes until Sonic gains a bit more respect for their customers.

7/18 I got another email this morning. They said " In discussing with our local management, it is clear you were over charged. While some of our products do have an additional charge for the addition of a real fruit topping this should not have been the case with the product you ordered". I hope this issue is fixed across the board. We love our Sonic Drinks!

7/17- I did hear back from Media Relations today. They asked for a copy of the receipt so they can "investigate" the issue. I hope they stop with their crazy fees. In the mean time, here are the other complaints on their Facebook page just in the last 30 days! 

Not sure what is up with sonic at the present time but I was told the other day that if I wanted a Chicago Dog on the New Pretzel bun it would cost me an additional $1.00 for the bun. Now don't get me wrong all the dogs cost the exact same $1.99 why would I have to pay an extra dollar for the bun when they all cost the same, I was told supply and demand...well that's just ludicrous. I was then told if I get the regular chili cheese pretzel dog that there would be no extra charge. so that is what I ordered. HA!, when I got home it was a pretzel bun with a hot dog, cheese, bacon and onions, no chili and no cheese as I was told. The sonic on N. Mason Road in Katy, Texas really did me in with this order.

Went to the Andover, KS Sonic during happy hour to order two large slushes. Regular price is $1.89 for one, so I expect to get charged $1.89. Instead I was charged $2.09 plus tax. Excuse me? When I told the clerk I was being overcharged she told me I wasn't. I told her I was and that she could keep her drinks and I would go somewhere else and I did. She was charging me for the cherry twice, I don't know how but she was and insisted she was right. I was thirsty and didn't wait around to straighten her out. — in Wichita, KS.

Went to the local Sonic in Raytown Mo, looked at the receipt and noticed we were charged 10 cents more than the posted price for a medium $2.99 on each of the two shakes we ordered. Got the hot fudge and the chocolate banana. Asked the server she would only say that it's what comes up on their computer. IF they are charging more for mixed flavors then it should be advertised that there is an additional charge. Look at your receipts and know your tax rates..........

I am done with Sonic!!!!! You always over charge! I am sick of your 10 cents overcharges on drinks!!!! It is BULL CRAP!!!!! So I am done giving you my business!!!!!!!

Over-charged again today! Told the car-hop, after she spoke to the manager about it, she told me it was probably the tax! I don't know what's worse, the fact that your Happy Hour special that has been running for months is still not ringing up correctly or that you hire car-hops and managers that think $1.10 +$1.10 somehow equals $2.61. Sad.

I expect a slab of beef on my bun when I order a cheeseBURGER, hence the BURGER part in the name. And when having to pay an extra $.20 for fudge, I expect there to be fudge in the peanut butter FUDGE milkshake!

Are you kidding me? I just paid $5.83 for two Route 44 ice teas. No flavor just regular tea. I forgot to ask for lemons so after I paid I asked the server for 4 slices of lemon to put in my tea, which he brought me. Then he comes right back and says they made him charge me for the lemons... $1.08! Ridiculous!!!!

False advertisement on 1/2 price shakes!! Got charged an extra .20 for chocolate and and extra .50 for oreo cheescake!!!

Can anyone tell me why, when I order a chocolate shake, they charge me 20 cents more to make a vanilla shake into a chocolate one and when my son ordered a strawberry cheesecake shake, they charged him 30 cents for the strawberry flavoring. Regular price shakes are $3.69.