
El Paraiso

My husband lived in Mexico for two years and really grew to love the food. He seeks out authentic Mexican restaurants and often asks Hispanic people where to find them. Last week we were advised to try El Paraiso.

When we saw the building and noticed that it wasn't a hole in the wall, my husband grew nervous. We walked through the doors and he was thrilled to find that we were the only people speaking English. He says that's a sure sign the food is authentic.

Sure enough, the food looked and tasted quite authentic too! Look at those fajitas! When they came out there were still sizzling with goodness. Our friend was really impressed with all the meat that it came with, since most places only give you a small amount of meat.

Our vegetarian friend loved his meal!

My husband decided to go with something a little more special. This amazing meal came with Carne Asada, shrimp, cactus, cheese… and other items that I’m not aware of. None the less, he loved it! He ordered it with their handmade corn tortillas and ate them taco style!

You know, I’m not exactly sure what this is, other than a fish. Our friend from Haiti braved this dish and seemed to enjoy it. He especially enjoyed the rice and beans!

My husband ordered Chicken Mole for me to try. I was excited to try it since I know it’s a genuine Mexican dish but I was sadly disappointed. It was a bitter, spicy, runny sauce. The chicken was extremely tender and enjoyable eaten with my tortilla and some guacamole. I’ll just stay away from Mole in the future.

The service at El Paraiso was average. They spoke Spanish so I didn’t understand what they said. The menu is also in Spanish, so I’d suggest taking along a friend who speaks the language if you decide to come try this delicious, authentic, spicy Mexican food! The prices are on the higher side for the cuisine but it’s a whole lot cheaper than traveling to Mexico to try real authentic food!

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